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My record Books

(Every day of my life...) Got the idea to start a record book to document all my pains and everything I was eating and when and the amounts and so forth, thinking that a doctor would want to read it... in order to help him figure out my problems... So this is the way it started. But I was rather shocked to find that doctors want nothing to do with it: Doctors do not want to help people, they only want to do their job, which might or might not help a person, and they won't help a person if it gets in the way of their job.

     But I continued on with my record books and thinking that at least maybe it would help me to figure out my own problems, and over time my record books became much more.

But they were very difficult for me to use myself: Most of the time I had trouble thinking -- being too much burdened down with my problems and I was too much in the "eye of the storm" as the "storm" was raging all around me as I was trying to live my life.

     So here's my record books, almost word for word as I did it, leaving out the eating and other boring things, and of course my most private things and such, but it includes anything that was social in my life that I decided to document. And my record books became something to talk to, to tell my troubles to - since I have no other - to document what was going on in my life and what I felt. But I had only so much paper; some things had to go, and keep in mind much of the time I was in a hurry -- only so much time to get it done, and so I would skip some words -- not enough paper, and not enough time, and no time to redo things, I had to keep moving on. So if I sound like I can't think straight -- maybe I couldn't -- I have had a lot of problems, and it in no way includes all the problems I was having, it includes only the ones I documented. Further explanatory comments that I have added much later are in these --- { }  And anything in RED is not good. 

     In addition to having some very major health problems, I was having problems with almost everything and everyone, and of those, the worst one was THE MEXICANS. Now, when I say "the mexicans", I'm talking about the mexicans who came from mexico and invaded my home, and tried to take over the trailer park (in which I lived for many years) to make it their own tiny town - no non-mexicans aloud. Some of them acted like this is their land, and I'm the one who is not supposed to be there. They seemed to think that this is the land of the "free to do whatever you want". And whatever they wanted to do, they did, with no regard as to who they might be bothering. And they loved their parties, lots and lots of parties, and it didn't matter if the next day was a work day, they could, and would party all night long. And if I complained about them, then I was the bad guy interfering with their fun that they had to have, and so then they would retaliate against me by throwing things at my trailer or ransacking my lot when I was gone. They had no regard for anyone else's enjoyment of life, and they hated cats - they hated anything that got in their way of their own enjoyment, and some of them were nothing but evil. AND THEIR MUSIC, if it can be called music, is the most horrible stuff I've ever heard -- it had no beat that makes any sense - like monkeys randomly pounding away on something, the tune I was unable to follow, and the singer sounded like he was dying of some kind of ailment - and had a sissy sounding voice, never a deep or masculine voice, and rarely if ever, a female voice - he sort of sounded like he was doing that Britney Spears thing - you know - "not a girl, but not yet a woman", and strangely, he couldn't sing at the same time that accordion or what ever it is was playing - or vice versa - they couldn't play and sing at the same time, and almost every song sounded the same, and sounded like very old music, like maybe some strange music from the fifties. And the low sounding horn or whatever it was that used in the music that was part of the beat, sounded like someone doing a lot of farting. Do mexicans fart a lot? And do they like to hear farting in their music? Why couldn't they play normal music? But they had to bring this weird music with them from Mexico. And they had to play it loud! Like the whole neighborhood wanted to hear it. NO, I DON'T WANT TO LISTEN TO THAT CRAZY FARTY CRAPPY MUSIC! (Years later when I hear music that has that farting sound in it, I don't like it, even if it's music that I liked in the past.) I heard that the Military in some cases uses loud music to interrogate people. Because music can be used as a weapon. The same with a baseball bat. A baseball bat can be used for fun to play a game, but it can also be used to hurt people. Same with music, and many many times I wanted to pound on that damn mexican's head like he was pounding on mine. They tortured me with that music, and it was like a living Hell. For years the manager would do nothing about it - I had at least as much right to be there as they did. And they had an uncanny way of avoiding the police.







Many times I almost lost it and then there might have been some dead mexicans. Many times I would leave home to get away from the mexican music and I would stay away until very late at night hoping that when I got home the music would be off and the mexicans would be in bed asleep. I was paying the rent to be there like everyone else, so why should I be leaving home? But if I did something, I would have been put into prison. I might have narrowly missed spending a lot of time in prison, which is where some of those mexicans should have been, all because no one would stop that damn music and I had enough problems as it was! There was this one guy nearby who liked to play his music so loud that it would be vibrating my trailer, and once in awhile something would come tumbling down inside my trailer. And when it got really bad, was when one of my cats was dying, and I had to suffer not only that, but also some idiot mexican's music. I CAN'T SHUT IT OUT like it seems most people can.

And while I'm talking about music, anymore I don't like the stupid music they play in the markets: Someone might as well be yelling or screaming in a lot of markets, because that's what they are doing, and to me, that's not singing. Or many times it's someone wailing on and on about something, the whole song is wailing, and that's not singing either. Many times I want to get in and out as soon as I can, sooner than the music melts my brain. And I find it very strange that the reason why they all play music in the markets is because some idiot said that when music is played, people will buy more. It all comes down to stupid greed. The idea is, that music makes people feel better, and when they feel better, they will buy more. But what if the music they play makes people feel worse, such as with me? Once in awhile I ask people in markets what they think of the music and they say "I just tune it out". So if most people seem to tune it out, then why are the markets playing it? Why can't they go for silence, and let people play what they want when they're at home? As long as it's not my home! It's because markets are greedy bastards, that's why. And it also is why they all use THE 9 PRICE LIE. The 9 price lie is used by all the markets to deceive us into thinking that what we are buying costs less than it actually costs. So the markets are lying to us all. Basically all businesses are lying to us all the time. Again it all comes down to greed. What a greedy world it is. The markets keep lying to me, and I don't appreciate being lied to, no one should.

In a "nutshell"; I've had "tons" of problems, living here in Phoenix for many years, in a crappy trailer with so many holes in it, living with the insects also, having no working toilet, no working furnace, when it rained the water came pouring through the roof, no air conditioning in the trailer or my car, no covered parking, the floor is my bed, my doctor is a hammer, and I keep smelling the sewer, and about the only people living around me were weirdos, my only true friends that I could rely on and the only people I could love, were cats, and strangers kept bothering me!

And to this day, the only ones of these problems that I don't have, is that I'm not in a trailer anymore, but I've had strange dreams about being in there again, the furnace works, -some of the time, the rain does not come through the roof, have air conditioning in house and car, but who needs it in a car? All the other problems I had while in my trailer continue to have!





My record books:
PAGE 3   T00A-

Having bad time with the shivers. / Apple fruit sauce - small amount. Shivers again - ate bread.


/ Feeling much better. Feeling worse. Feeling better -- setting watch. Feeling worse. Getting the shivers again. Feeling "down" -- shivers gone. Feeling worse.

While eating, a snap in right cheek bone. What was it? / Feeling much better. / Strange sudden pains and stiffness in shoulders and neck...  Having the itches under my clothes. Shivers again. Shivers gone.
Lump in throat. Sore throat. / Having internal trouble -- burping. / Some stings in back. / Stings in neck.
Feeling "down".  And then angry. / Neck stiff.
Trouble in belly, Very thirsty.
Having trouble. / Arms hurt, left shoulder hurts. / Throat hurts.
Not feeling well. / Stiff neck and back.
Feeling strange. / Feeling tired and cold. Pain above right eye. A slight headache. Not feeling well.
Feeling bad. / Feeling okay, but not well enough to get off the floor. / Teeth hurting on right.
Feeling strange. Shivers. Feeling bad. Went into emergency room. / Shivers.
Feeling "down". / Having a bit of trouble with my eyes. Sudden shiver. Burping condition.
I put the ear stuff in Puddypie's ears. / Feeling tired.
Puddypie got into another cat fight at the house -- a light colored fluffy cat came. I nearly grabbed it.
A few pains in chest.
Teeth hurting a bit. / Slow moving tonight. / Doing fairly well.
Feeling "down" and tired. / Puddypie and I encountered a dog and a man in the open area by the library. The dog gave me some trouble and it wanted to get Puddypie. Puddypie and I were very upset by the man and his white dog. And he only made excuses. {The dog was very ernest at getting a bite on Puddypie, but Puddypie bravely countered the dog's every move until the man got there. Stupid dog owners! My cats are better trained than a lot of people's dogs.}
PAGE 4   T00A-
 / Doing quite well. / Not doing well.
Neighbor came (lot 84) over and told me that my car exhaust was coming into her trailer and was a problem to her. / Having some trouble again. / Not doing well. / Very thirsty. Teeth hurting a bit.
Shoulders are sore and stiff a bit. / Not feeling well.
Shoulders are sore.
 / Getting very dizzy.
Not feeling well. Stomach very upset. Shivers. Getting dizzy.
I caught a virus. {Or did I have it already?} Throat is getting very sore. Drinking more water than usual. Nearly a gallon in the library. {And butt keeps getting sore from sitting in the library
Right part of face hurting.
Having digestion trouble again with a large heavy belly and I haven't eaten anything! / Getting dizzy. / Despite me having put on 3 sweaters, when I got home, the air was absolutely bitterly cold and it nearly killed me.
I was very cold and then my head was very hot for at least 1.5 hours. / Getting cold.
My neighbor (lot 86) came home and hit their own shed with their car. / Right ear is sore. {For many hours} / I came home in a hurry from Safeway after the library, left The Omni door open (for a short time) as I usually do. Then I rushed off to the house. It was a bit of a wild ride. Then when I had gone most of the way, after I had turned onto 7 Avenue, I felt something brush against my leg. I looked down and saw the fur of "Puddytat" {My neighbor's cat}. I had left Puddypie home because of the cold with my sickness (virus), and Puddytat was going to the house with me! But after I got there, she jumped out and then I could not find her.
Right ear is plugged.
Head feels strange, I need something to put me to sleep. / Can't sleep. Right ear is plugged. Teeth hurting on right.
Right ear is plugged.
Teeth hurting on right. Having some small pains by ribs. Getting cold. Right ear is plugged. / Not feeling well. Puddypie got into another fight in the west rear yard. With who? The cat ran as soon as I opened the door. I did not see it but surely was the same one that runs when I open the door.
PAGE 5   T00B-
I sat for a long time in the library and my butt didn't get sore.
Right ear is plugged again. / Do not feel well, head hurts.
Feel better. / Front top of head sore.
Front top of head sore. / Moving very very slow.
Moving very very slow.
Teeth hurting on right. Bad cough.
Bad cough.
 / Doing my best to get woke up, but too wiped out. Need more sleep.
/ Commotion at lot 86? began.
 / Feeling bad, went straight to Safeway from the library. Incident at Safeway with the bad lettuce.
Feeling bad, head hurting.
Point at base of spine is sore. / Getting very very slow.
 / Loud music lot 26? Hurting in upper belly. / I took Puddypie to the vet. / Feeling very bad.
 / Not feeling well. Limping with sore hip (left). Sore from what?
 A bit dizzy. Trailer stunk inside when I got home -- I flushed the toilet several times.
Bad storm.
Feeling a bit bad and hungry. / Feeling bad.
 / Not feeling well in belly in the library. / Not feeling well, having a few pains in left leg...
PAGE 6   T00B-
 / Don't feel well, head hurts. Getting cold in library. Feeling really really bad. Yawning like crazy. Getting shivery.
 / I told the woman of lot 84 about the large scratch in my right Jeep door. {---They did nothing about it - ever.} / Puddypie caught and killed a poor little rabbit. His first. He ate part.
 / Puddypie and I found a dead cat (black and white) at the library (with a short black tail).
Bad cough. / Sore throat. / Getting dizzy.
Not feeling well. Not feeling well! / Stomach hurting... / Not feeling well.
 / Getting dizzy.
 / Cough.
 / Getting dizzy. / Getting dizzy again. / Dizzy again and head hurts.
Now teeth hurting! On right. Rain, rain, rain, drips through roof, I had to move my bed. Also I threw blanket up on roof. / Getting dizzy.
Strange  sting in head and right wrist and hand. Getting the shivers. A bad time. Note:...a bit of a sore stiff back and neck was my only warning of what was to come. Also I felt very down... / Getting dizzy. Head jerk attack.
Feeling very down. Getting the shivers. / Chest hurts. / Chest hurts and feeling uncomfortable and uneasy. / In mirror, I noticed a lumpy area of skin on right flank of face to the right of eye that is now lumpy from the sting of Wednesday night.
At first, my chest hurt every time I swallowed. / Left lower jaw area feels strange and is a bit itchy and stings a bit when I rub it.
PAGE 7   T00C-
 / Getting dizzy again. / Burping trouble. / Strange bad feeling. / Not feeling well, and later head jerking...
 ...Head jerking. Neck and shoulders sore and stiff. Feeling really bad. / Not feeling well. Head jerking begins. / Found tiny eruption on left flank of head - from ... ? Neck and back sore. Getting dizzy.
Severe hypoglycemic reaction is this my problem? / Not feeling well, "down". Eruption continues on left flank of head. / Feeling uneasy, heavy belly. / "Good" pains in head and mostly neck. {---For a long time.} Had problem with library woman over the sign in sheet. Not feeling well, getting dizzy. I saw a black widow spider at the library. Getting very dizzy, I went straight home with Puddypie from library ------------? I don't know if I can go on like this.
Neck sore. / Limping tonight.
 Getting very dizzy. / Teeth hurting. / Getting dizzy. Limping some. Pains in chest, feeling strange.
 Getting very dizzy. Working on my account... Rested. Getting dizzy again. / Getting dizzy. / Getting dizzy.
 / Feeling very down.
Not feeling well, can't hardly do anything, --- on the floor. Getting very dizzy. / I cleaned the sink! Back hurts. Getting dizzy. / Getting dizzy.
 / Having scalp eruptions at front top. And soreness.
 Getting dizzy. / Two young guys (the one with a tapering face and short hair) in a dark green sporty car with darkened windows and a wide white band over windshield top attempted to steal my gasoline from my car while it was in the library parking lot ! {But my car has a locked hatch, and Puddypie and I were heading toward my car again and they saw me coming from a distance and fled the parking lot in a hurry.}
Not feeling well. / Feeling strange. / {Bizarre dream about me being a great success with stocks.}  / Feeling strange a slight pressure in head.
 / Limping some. Slight sting in both hands and in head, happened once hardly noticeable.
Cough and dry mouth. Getting the shivers again. Why? Neck is stiff and sore. Pain in left upper rear jaw, it repeats. Not feeling well. Neck and throat feel a bit tight. Throat dry all the time, lump in throat.
PAGE 8   T00C-
Neck sore. I feel totally wiped out, unable to continue working. / Feeling down. / Having scalp eruptions at front top. And soreness. / Feeling much better.
 / Getting dizzy in the library.
 / Eye sparks, first time in a long time.
 / Do not feel well... Getting a bit dizzy
 ...Do not feel well. Having some trouble in stomach. / shoulders hurt. Getting a bit dizzy.
 / Strange discomfort. Then getting the shivers again. Having trouble again / getting the shivers again.
 / Getting dizzy. / Not feeling well.
 Getting dizzy. Getting very dizzy. Not felling well. Head jerking. / Feeling down. Getting dizzy again. Why? Pressure on ears. Feeling bad, slept, I hit Puddypie again.
 Not feeling well, dizzy. Sting in right flank near bottom of ribs. / Getting very dizzy.
Not feeling well. / Electric like stings in bottom.
Pressure on ears. / Getting very dizzy. Pain in right chest and something that went through my body.
 / Belly feels heavy. / Getting dizzy and neck is stiff. First parked car in opposite way -- with the rear end to the southwest -- I don't like it.
It has been getting a bit hot, I unsealed the cooler vent. Lord, help me to be the best, do the best, and get the best. Because I want the best. / Feeling very down. / Feeling much better. Neck is stiff. Pain in lower left flank (sudden). / Not feeling well. Sting in left ear.
Neck is stiff. Not feeling well. Feeling really bad. Getting the shivers a bit. / Sting in flank. / Sting through body.
 / Worked on cooler, it does not hold water, and tubes are plugged. / I feel totally wiped out, like I have worked all day. Dry mouth.
Strange stings in body. Pain in chest -- right chest is sore. Feeling warm, sweaty hands, a few stings in chest -- left. / Arms getting hot near elbows. / Pain in right flank of face.
Sting in front left of bladder (again). / Sting in chest. Sting in lower right flank.
PAGE 9   T00D-
I feel wiped out. Body getting hot. Pain in left part of chest.
Head jerk attack.
I gave to Puddypie the UROEZE pill.
 / I gave to Puddypie the clavamox pill. / Puddypie vomited. / Pain in left upper part of head.
Belly feels large and heavy.
........ I've been doing better recently. / Strange pain in left arm and shoulder.
Feeling better! / Having a few pains in upper left bladder area. / Alan saw me at the library when he was passing by and at the same "time" I saw him as I was beginning to leave, so we met down the street and talked. Then we went to "Denneys" and I ate some food: ... And we talked a long while. He paid. {After I said to the waitress that I did not like the water being cold, Alan said to her; "Piss in it". And she replied; "Oh, I wouldn't do that."   --A tiny bit of fun.}
 / Chicken eggs were thrown at the house.
Pains in left flank at bottom of ribs. Note: My left ankle has had a soreness in it for weeks, also tonight the soreness goes up to the knee. Also there is and has been a sore on lower inside left leg for several days. / Worked on cooler -- put on second coat.
 / Left elbow area hurting. / Not feeling well. Feeling bad; head jerking and pain in head. I took a hammer and pounded my shoulders and back and head -- first in a long long long time.
Strange sting in head. / Worked on cooler -- I got it going, I think. / Left elbow hurting again.
Left elbow hurting. Some strange stings in chest. Sting in right arm. / Acid came into my mouth. A very hot day. Worked on cooler, I am getting extremely hot -- my throat hurts like crazy and my head. I readjusted my lens frame (I took the frame off my head - that stopped the pain to my head). Getting extremely thirsty. / Not feeling well.
I hammered shoulders and neck and head again because of feeling bad and felt better. / Working on letter to Matt J. / Having a few stings in body. Getting a slight bit dizzy. I am getting extremely thirsty.
PAGE 10   T00D-
Belly is getting very heavy. Not feeling well. Rare sensation in left part of forehead.
Strange dream.
A pain in lower right flank below ribs with a slight sting through both arms. / Worked on cooler. / And feeling fairly well!
MAY 01
Feeling fairly well. A strange sting now and then.
 / Puddypie had another fight with "the" cat again in the "garden" at the house. I got my hand clawed (left) by one of them. I feel totally wiped out after the fight.
 / Feeling down.
 / Feeling fairly well. I lost my power steering (Omni) on the way to the library! Then I couldn't get # 10 computer. Then I could not print my page on 1 sheet! It cost (cents) 90 and I failed. Then it closed and I couldn't check on any of my stocks!
 / Not feeling well, throat is very dry and hurts. / Right hip hurting. Mother forced me to put  my bike in the horse barn.
 / I have sore throat. {For a long time.} / Sting through chest. Sore throat getting worse. 
"When I get uptight, I see Red--Dwarf"
 / Sore throat mostly gone, but I must tend to my nose nearly all the time.
I had a problem with my car -- clutch cable came loose off of pedal lever. I called AAA. Difficult to get to sleep because I must keep drinking and blow my nose nearly constantly. / Having trouble with car again. The cable slipped out again sooner than I could get out of the park. I worked on car. {--For half the night.}
Having the pains in lower left abdomen again. Lips burning. Nose quite raw by now. / I walked in and found 4 cockroaches on my sink! And 2 others that I did not see at first. I killed the 4. Not one of them in the Roach Motel! They don't check in! Puddypie caught another baby rabbit, in the park, at home! He ate it.
 / I rode my secondary bike all the way to Mother's house from home. {--10 miles one way.}
PAGE 11   T00E-
I rode my bike home {mostly a bit uphill} , then let Puddypie out. Then I went in the trailer to eat the 3 old orange fruits, and Puddypie got into a bad fight with another black cat {Puddypie is black} . For some reason I could not bring myself to grab the cat as they were rolling around in the dirt. The cat seemed very strong and nasty, and I felt that if I had attempted it, I would lose. Then I was angry, Puddypie nearly got his eye slashed, so I went walking around with my flashlight to see if I could find where that cat had gone. Then I went riding my bike (I had not yet locked it up), with my flashlight. I did a once through. I could not find that cat, I went home. Then a few minutes later, I see a smallish white car come and stop at the rear of the park, north of lot 87. I thought that it was someone coming to lot 86? But they dumped some of their garbage on the street, and I thought; "that's not nice".The car lights had been off as they came to a stop, then they continued around in my direction, again with their lights off, so I shined my light at them, two mexicans in the car, he stopped in front of my lot, then being angry, I chewed him out as to why he should keep his lights on while going through this park. It turned out that they had been looking for me. They got out of the car and he, (the other one only spoke spanish to him) began to tell me about what not to do in this park, as if he owned the park, and telling me that this was the third time that he has had trouble with me!
Can you believe it! I don't know who this guy is, and he's telling me that he has had trouble with me in the past! He's using foul language and poking me in the chest and he's threatening me. And he and his buddy are standing around me close and I felt like that I might get beat up. He was telling me that I had better not ever shine my light in the park again or else. 
Who does he think he is? The owner of the park? I told him that I was looking for a cat and that this was the first time that I had ever shined my light in the park. Then he started telling me about the time that he had trouble with me one night when I said that I was picking up nails. He having trouble with me!! Then I remembered the night when I was shining my light down on the street picking up the nails that some idiot had strewn across the street from Bell and 17, all the way into the park. Could this be the same idiot 
{who gave me trouble then?} If it is, then both these times he has threatened me as if I was lying to him. Several times he threatened to call the police, and several times I said, go ahead, call them! He threatened to take off my "dark shades" -- I wasn't wearing shades. After awhile a third man rode up on a bicycle, and first I thought that it was then 3 against 1, but that older guy seemed to be trying to talk the first man away from me. {Anyway,} He attempted to get me to agree to not doing anything in in the park, but I would not. Then they departed. -- Then I rode my bike to the nearest pay phone and called the Police. They came shortly after I got home again. I told the first one the whole story and we talked for a long time. Officer # 7008 ... Then the Police went by down the street where the weirdo had come from but they did not stop. Then they went out the park and were gone. {The Police are mostly useless!} Then a few minutes later several vehicles go speeding out of the park out the north entrance tearing up a lot of dust. But first some mexican came into the park playing his loud mexican music and he stopped over there -- around lot 20 to 23, then they went speeding out in several vehicles. Statement from me to the manager: THIS PARK IS NOT A MEXICAN TOWN. MEXICANS DO NOT HAVE ANY MORE RIGHTS HERE IN THIS PARK THAN ANYONE ELSE DOES. After the Police were gone, my stomach was very upset for awhile (until daylight) and I was a nervous wreck from the ordeal. And when I went to bed, I was shaky. I'm not entirely sure if the upset stomach was from the ordeal or from the old orange fruits that I ate. Also, prior the Police came, I was having some pains in my chest.
 / I rode the bus to go to the library. I missed the earlier bus, so I had to wait 25 minutes. Then it was a long walk and I carried my case most of the way because of no sidewalks. / Then I barely checked on RSGI and printed out my sheet (in color, no fee!), then I had to head for the bus stop again! I brought my case, and tortillas and my jug of water in my backpack. My nose has been raw for several days now from blowing my nose like crazy from this virus that I have and I'm about to run out of tissue. And my lower lip has been raw and bleeding also for several days, and I don't know what's causing that, the tortillas? So I rode my secondary bike to "Safeway". I picked out "Chap Stick" "Cherry" and put it on my lips as soon as I bought it. But while I was inside, after I had picked it out and some tissue and some bread and stuffed them in my backpack, the bread started falling out of my backpack and at the same time my calculator also started falling off of my bike seat. It hit the floor several times and it busted. I think it's a goner. I have used it for years.
PAGE 12   T00E-
Sudden great pain in tooth - front upper right. And then pain in left elbow. / I rode my bike to Mark's shop to get my Omni clutch pedal lever after he welded it. Only $25. Then I went to "Autonation", but it was too late. Then I went home and worked on the car: I put in the lever and then worked on the low idle. Then I took the car to the library to check on my stocks, and I brought Puddypie. He loved it there! And it was cold and breezy! Inside, a man told me about how great his stock market advice was. Poor guy.
 / As many as 6 helicopters flying above! What are they watching? Teeth hurting. / Two stings through body a few minutes apart.
Getting a bit itchy. Rash coming again! Getting the shivers again. / Teeth hurting on right.
Belly bloated.
Verbal fight at lot 84. / Cleaned cooler.
Cooler leaking through inside on my bed! Worked on cooler, dumped water. {This is the middle of the night.} Tired. / Getting hot in here. I got first check from Schwab and cashed it. Worked on cooler, put on a very thick coat. / Feeling fairly well, but moving very slow and tired. Puddypie caught and ate a lizard and then saw a toad again (the second time) at the library. "Death by Puddypie".
{I'm} Wiped out (on floor). / Having trouble swallowing. Getting hot in here. / Worked on cooler again. Put on thin coat. / Feeling very down and discouraged about my stocks, in the library.
Teeth hurting on right, mostly. / Teeth hurting on right. Worked on cooler, coated outside of bottom and got it going. / Not hardly able to do anything.
 Cooler --- no leaks - yet. / Had a lot of trouble with nose; blowing it and coughing. / Sting in body.
Now another neighbor (lot "87") is a doper, out smoking it and coughing.
Having itchy, crawling sensation on skin. {For hours.} / A few pains in right flank of abdomen. / Stings in left lower flank at bottom of ribs. Not feeling well. / Feeling much better.
Not feeling well. / Could not get to sleep, worked on letter to Matt J.
PAGE 13   T00F-
 / Acid coming up to my throat. / Feeling strange. Not feeling well. Car has started stalling again, first in about 4 days. Tank near empty, going to fill up tank; is not stalling. Filled up tank, did not stall for about 4 miles, then stalled all the way home to the 11 mile point after fill up.
 / Eric came to visit. Is he lonely? / Car stopped stalling at about the 18 mile point, but stalled at least once awhile later but started stalling again up to the 24 mile mark.
{My hair coming out}...more than ever I think. Top middle of head on right. / I sliced off a strip of skin off my neck with the scissor when I was trimming up my beard. / {More hair coming out} again, same place. I now have a bald spot about the size of a quarter coin.
Omni did not stall tonight. Man at lot "87" doing dope again that he probably got from my neighbors at lot 84. Getting a bit dizzy working on "The Warren Rules". Found two cockroaches again, killed 1. Rested. ...out hair again, now a larger spot is bald. Sting in body. Belly is large. / Acid coming into my mouth again! Sting in body. / Getting a bit dizzy tonight.
Omni did not stall again. Stings in upper right flank below shoulder. Actually, mid back area on right side. / My neighbors (lot 84) having a fight again. / Getting a bit dizzy. / Feeling bad. Omni stalled twice at the 91.9 mile mark. My doper neighbors (lot 84) are doing it again. It is stinking up the place so much that if I have the cooler on it brings it in. I got upset, so I decided to pack up with Puddypie and go to Mother's house and call the Police. On the way home the Omni started stalling at the 106 mile mark and continued until about half way home.
Sting in very front of chest and a few red spots on chest. / Omni stalling again. Feeling quite well! So well that that decided to stop at "Target" and then "Walmart" on my way home from the library.
 / Cut my finger at APS on the ticket number dispenser. Omni stalling again for about 2 or 3 miles today.
Omni stalled again tonight. Stayed out too late. / Coughing. Omni did not stall today. / Omni did not stall tonight. Man at lot "87" smoking dope again. Sting in right lower flank.
/ Omni did not stall today. / Omni did not stall tonight.
A young man and woman came in a dark Honda car to my neighbors at lot 84 and picked up some dope I think. Feeling very down and discouraged about the market and my stocks. / Omni did not stall today. Back hurts. Stings in left part of chest.
Stings in lower right flank. Omni did not stall tonight, and it is now on empty.
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Nose is getting extremely itchy, I have washed it several times with soap. It sounds like one of my neighbors is doing dope again. Coughing, hacking away. I saw 4 kittens out the window. / Back and left arm hurts. I went and filled up tank, but Omni did not stall prior or after! (Today, or tonight either.) / I was rather dizzy nearly the whole time in the library, and the computer (10) was very slow again as it was Friday. It did not get any better, it took more than 3 minutes to go from company to company. {--From any page to any other page.} I hardly got anything done. My goofball neighbors, lot 84, having a party again. At least until midnight. 2 of them in a metallic tan Neon kept coming again and again, and when they came at about 10:35, they both got out and urinated in front of my lot, one on the north and the other on the south of my trailer. I've had it with these people, I want them out.
A drop of water fell from the cooler and hit my back! Can't find any leak. Not feeling well. / Omni did not stall today or tonight! Not dizzy today! Sting in lower right flank, what are these stings? A bit dizzy tonight.
 / People at lot 84 having a fight again. What's their dill? Yea, what is their dill? Now a dark Honda with bad paint full of guys comes and they nearly had a fist fight out in the street. What is their dill? / Omni did not stall today or tonight!
Hammered head. Belly getting large and heavy. / Omni did not stall today or tonight, but since last night there has been a thump thump thump. It was a bit worse today, I think it must be a tire, but I don't know which one. So I went to Discount for a tire. Feeling very down and discouraged about my stocks. Feeling strange and getting dizzy in the library and not felling well.
 Not feeling well. Dizzy. Belly large and heavy. / Went to "Discount" and picked up my wheel with "new" used tire on it; ... It cost me a bit less. I had $22. It was going to cost $21.77? It cost me $19.63. Which now leaves me with $2 plus change. Then I went to the library, the thump is getting worse, it's the spare that I put on a few weeks ago. Omni did not stall today or tonight. After the library, I took Puddypie and went to "Sears" to check on new tires. / Getting hot tonight.
 Getting very dizzy. I took the defective spare off -- it's about to burst, and put on the "new" used "Goodyear" tire. / Puddypie seems to be going crazy from a high P H, wanting to urinate all over the trailer, but can't. I have no special food to give him and no money, so I gave to him the UROEZE pill. / Gave to Puddypie the "Clavamox" pill and am now feeling him some new food; ... Omni did not stall today or tonight and no thump thump thump. Puddypie is doing much better.
Man at lot "87" doing his dope again. I gave Puddypie second "Clavamox" pill. / I gave Puddypie third "Clavamox" pill. / That orangey cat fought with Puddypie again at the house! Omni did not stall today or tonight.
I gave to Puddypie fifth "Clavamox" pill. / I gave Puddypie sixth "Clavamox" pill. It was cloudy, so I brought Puddypie to the library with me. It hardy rained any, but some cool wind. Omni did not stall today or tonight. I had a strange bad sensation in my chest. Not feeling well.
 / I gave to Puddypie fourth "Clavamox" pill. {With my shower--} water went down to nearly nothing. I don't know if Puddypie is getting better. Omni did not stall today or tonight.
Not feeling well. / I gave to Puddypie seventh "Clavamox" pill. / Getting rather dizzy. Omni did not stall today or tonight.
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I rushed over again today, but earlier, while they are open, to sell my batch of aluminum. I got only $2.40. (6.0 x $0.40). Then I rushed (as usual) to go to the library. My car got smashed !!! I was behind a large dump truck with a trailer, he stopped at a stop sign at 15 Avenue and Mountain View. His rig was totally straight, and over to the left, no turn signal. I sat there behind him for a bit, then I decided to come along side of him so that I could turn right while he was waiting to go straight. But I did not proceed to make my turn {I could not see to the left}, but I sat there in total disbelief as he proceeded to turn right. He smashed my car with the trailer! {And he kept on going for awhile, then he saw me and stopped. I insisted that the Police be called, for I was sure it was his fault. It only ripped the front flank of my car, like it was an aluminum can.} He called the Police, then later after they came, the Police gave me the ticket! Then later, on my way home from the house, someone threw a plastic bottle of water from their car at my car. It hit the rear of my car. I had worked on my car several hours this night to get the door and hood to open. Having a bad time with stomach gas and pressure on my heart.
There was wind and rain when I was gone, so I got out the ladder and got on my roof and repositioned the blankets. / Having some slight stinging in chest. (And belly.) / I went to "Checker" to make some refunds (With Puddypie). Then as I was leaving, the clutch cable busted! So I walked over to "Checker" (again) and bought a new clutch cable. =$35.99~$38.69. They had one. So then I pushed the Omni home from the "Checker" parking lot (Li???ter came to help). Then I put in the cable (I had to file open the gap larger to get the cable through the slot from Mark's weld, I thought it was plenty large enough, but the new cable is larger). I found that my "spare" tire had burst open after I had taken it off and put it in the car.
The neighbors of lot 84 are doing their dope again. They think that they can fool me by using perfume. Lots and lots of perfume. One guy keeps giggling and giggling. / I went to church, but it turned out to be a mortuary! Omni is it totally different with the new cable. It shifts totally better, it seems to ride better, and accelerate better and it seems to steer better. It is like a new car! What an amazing difference a tiny thing like that can make. I never would have thought. {Was it the cable?}
Not feeling well. Feeling better. Feeling much better. / Strange dream of me choosing one out of five women to be possibly my wife. / Upper left of mouth is sore, ...   I got going so late that I brought Puddypie to the library with me.
Feeling fairly well, how can I do so well on what I ate earlier? Not feeling well, belly large and heavy. This stuff is too sweet {Chef Boyardee Spaghetti and meatballs.} A bit of a sting mostly in upper part of right arm near shoulder. / I met a new man, Pete, in the library.
 / Sting in lower right flank. Teeth hurting on upper right front. / Getting dizzy in the library.
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On my way home from the house, I saw 2 young women at the entrance/exit to the trailer park at 19 Avenue and Greenway. They were throwing chicken eggs at passing traffic. They missed hitting my car. But they disappeared when I turned around and came looking for them. / Another bad stock market day, I am very discouraged. I got a cough after I ate the sunflower seeds, so I ate some apple fruit sauce. I think the man at lot "87" is doing his dope again, this guy is an idiot. My short term memory is bad, I can't remember what I ate.
 / Sting in lower right flank.
JULY 01   
Puddypie is in and out of the tray like crazy, having trouble. Belly is heavy.
/ Belly getting large, not feeling well. / Orangey cat got into fight with Puddypie again.
 / Pains in abdomen, mostly in lower left flank.
Not feeling well, "down" on floor. / Crazy people of lot 84 having a fight again. This is after the manager told me that there would be no more fights because of a restraining order. / Not feeling well; feeling bad. Having pains all through torso and a lot of burping sometimes, with pain.
 ... / Having trouble to keep going while getting dressed, very difficult. Having some bad burping in library.
Starting to feel bad. / Sting in right part of body; in upper right arm and lower right flank, near bottom of ribs.. Reoccurring pains in left part of neck, deep. in one spot. / Having great difficulty while getting dressed, I wish I could eat some chocolate, but dare not. / Having trouble most of the time in library, with eyes and with limping. Then at about 8:00, all the main power went off! Then they decided to close the library. Then around 8:20 the power came on and so they decided to stay open, but for me, it was too late to get any more work done. So I left a bit early.
 / Strange sudden pain in right cheek area. / Doing a bit better today, but got up very late. The late Gary Stevens. / Jessica's last day! Will I ever see her again? A young woman that works at the library of whom I've been seeing for a long time said hi to me the other day (first ever). So today after the library closed, I found her sitting on a bench waiting for her ride. So I said (first ever) to her asking; "There you are, I don't suppose that you have any money to invest?" {What a lousy pick up line! I totally messed that up.Then she put her hand on her chest and said; "Oh no, I'm broke." Then I said; "Well, when you do, let me know." Then she said; "I will." Then I said; "You could make a lot of money." {Which is true, but probably not with me.} Then I turned and walked away to my car. {I was an idiot!} Then I went down the street and stopped to take some photographs. {In the middle of the night?} And got some, (of cars turning right beside another that is going straight, in the same lane.)
 / I feel totally wiped out. / {Coming} out, first ever, whiskers at end of mustache on right flank. My face is getting more out of balance.
 / I was hurting a bit on way to the library. So I ate some tortillas. After awhile, I felt better.
 / Belly getting large.  / I went to "Discount tire" to have an old tire put on so that I would have a spare, because I have not had a spare for some time now. But when they took it off, it was damaged, so they gave me a new tire! For free! A new tire. It only cost me $10 --- for mounting and for balancing. / Not feeling well. Feeling bad.
Yawning attack. / Starting on new hair analysis pills?
 Sting in lower right flank and mostly in upper right arm. / Sting up right flank of torso. Sting in lower right flank. / The Omni's handling seems weird suddenly. Like riding on a low tire or having worn out suspension. Or being in a yank tank. I checked and aired up the tires, they were a bit low.
 / I took the Omni to "Sears" to have the alignment checked and suspension checked. He found that it was out, made adjustment, but it did not cost me anything! It was going to be about $55, and I have less than $100. But is the car any better? It has had a drift to the right for I don't know how long, but now it seems to be more of a veer to the right after coming out of "Sears". I took Puddypie with me, so I put him out in the parking lot. He did not like that. / Puddypie walked in some poison {?} that Mother had put out on the sidewalk. I was not happy with her about it. I sprayed it off with water and then checked Puddypie's paws
Belly getting very "heavy" and large. Bad trouble beginning in belly, need fruit.
Oops, I did it again. {My hair coming out again} I pulled out my scalp hair again. This time it is very noticeable because the large mostly bald area is on the top left of center exactly in line with my part and moving toward the center. / Getting dizzy.
There is definitely something wrong with the Omni's handling. Sometimes it is wondering all over the lane. Could it be the rear tires? / Very down about my stocks.
I have started printing the Matt J. letter. / Very sluggish today. / I am very down and discouraged with my stocks and about to cry in the library, and today (and tonight) is my birthday!
Having trouble with belly. Why? / Neck is stiff and sore. / Neck is stiff and sore and then a strange sensation in rear of head.
 / Stings in left part of chest to the left of breast. I went to the house to talk to Mother about stocks.
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 / Could not get to sleep. / Mother is very difficult and contrary about stocks tonight. {As she should be, for I was not making any money.}
My first finger on left hand at finger nail is sore and hurting tonight. Why?
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 / Sudden pain in left rear part of head. / Head hurting.
Head hurting. I took the hammer to my head and pounded it, and started feeling better.
 / I went out to the Desert sky Pavilion to see where Britney is going to be. / Getting a bit dizzy and limping tonight.
 / I bought tires for my car, but I can't put them on yet. ... I really don't have the money to buy them, but they were at a low price and good tires are very important. -- There is something wrong with my car the way that it is now. And then when I got to the library, I found that one of my stocks got sold!
My dopy neighbors at lot 84 are doing their dope again and trying to cover it up with perfume again, and having a party until late into the night. / Sudden sting in left part of chest and right shoulder. / Went to the Desert Sky Pavilion to give the Britney letter. Did not see her. {I did not have enough money to attend her concert and pieces of my poor car were falling off as I was coming there. I went around the rear and waited, not knowing what else to do, thinking that if she wasn't there yet, and I had a feeling that she wasn't, that this is the way she would be coming in. And sure enough, after awhile, there came along two limousines coming in and went past me as I stood there next to my car. I think Britney was in one of them, and she might have seen me standing there, but I could not see into either car, and I did not have enough gumption to try calling out to her about me having a letter for her, and not knowing which car it might be was part of it. So I guess I missed my one and only chance to see Britney in person. Then I went around to a door. And there was a woman there (not attractive at all) who seemed to be in charge. So in desperation I told her about the letter. She said (I think she was lying) that she could get my letter to Britney later, but that she had to read it first. She read it, and laughed, to my dismay. Then the only thing I could do was leave and go home. I don't think my letter got anywhere near Britney. Pieces of my car falling off onto the street. How could I ever impress a woman.}
I pulled out more whiskers on the left, and for the first time, they are mostly balanced now.
/ Rain storm.
I'm terribly thirsty tonight... Why? Belly is large. Getting dizzy.
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