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       Volume Two

       Starla Anna Frederique.      
       Avery Monoray.
      Michaella. (Mike). - Mic Breunell.
       "Hey Bill, did you hear the news?" Sally asks. 
       "What news?"
       "Germany has invaded Poland!"
       "No, really?" 
       Sally says; "Uh-huh" 
       "I wonder what they're up to?" 
       "Well, it doesn't affect us" Sally says. 
       "Let's hope not" Bill says. 

       Now the scene strangely shudders, and then we see a different couple, and they are walking along a street, with cars of the 1930s and 1940s passing by: 
       John says: "It's been announced that Germany has now invaded the Soviet Union."  
       "Is that good, or bad?" Linda asks. Then says; "I wonder if they will beat the Germans." 
       "I don't think so. Not without our help." John says. 

       Now the scene strangely shudders again, and now we see couples sitting at tables, in an 1940s type of restaurant: 
       A man comes rushing into the room, and announces in a loud voice; "Hey everybody, Japan Surrenders, the war is over!" 
       And everyone in the room happily cheers. 

       Now we see a planet in space. And then a Star Shuttle comes into view. And we follow it to the planet, and we see it going down and see it landing on the planet. 
       All wearing space suits, the group gets out of the Shuttle. They walk to an airlock, and get in.      

       The events leading up to this:       
       Janet comes by the cryo chamber, and notices something inside of it. She picks it up, and wonders what it is. So she goes and brings it to Sara and asks her about it.  
       Sara says; "It's a hat. You put it on top of your head."       
       "But why?" Janet asks.       
       "Some people like to wear them. Although, I don't think there's any need to wear one in a spaceship."           "So no one wears them?"       
       "Not really." Sara replies.       
       So Janet goes away, and decides that she's going to wear it, and puts it on.        
       So after awhile, Cash comes to see Avery:        
       "Hey Avery." Cash says.        
       "Yeah, hi. Anything new?" Avery says.      
       "Not really. Oh, there is one thing; Janet is now wearing a hat."       
       "I'm sure that will cover her up. What sort of hat is it?"         
       "Well, it's sort of like one of those fishing hats, and it has the design of a fish on it."        
       "A fish? Oh, that's my hat! And it's not a fish, it's a starship!"        
       "I did not know. Do you want me to get it from her for you?"       
       "No, let her wear it. At least she'll be wearing something."        
       Mike comes into the room. She says; "We've found another planet. It will take some time to get there, but I think we're going to try going down to it. We'll take a Star Shuttle. Oh, and Avery, did you hear that Janet is now dressed, yeah, she's wearing a hat! And it has the design of a fish on it."       
       "That's not a fish, it's a starship!" Avery says. "If you go, I'd like to go with."         
       "Why?" Cash asks.       
       "Why not?" Avery says. "I'm one of you now, aren't I? Sort of one of the crew, if you think of yourselves that way. And I know things that none of you will know. So I might help."      
       "In a wheelchair? Cash says, not so much as a question. We're not taking any wheelchairs."        
       "But I know things."        
       "What could you know, Avery? You've been asleep for hundreds of years, or whatever that was, in that chamber. You're behind the times Avery. What could you know about the modern era? It's us that have been running the ship, not you, you're stuck in this wheelchair."       
       Now Mike speaks up; "Aren't you being rather harsh, Cash?"       
       "Gravity! Avery says. I bet you don't know what gravity is. I know all about it."         
       "You think you know gravity, do you? I've got news for you, everyone knows what gravity is! That was all figured out hundreds of years ago, there's nothing left to know."        
      "Really, you think so?" Avery replies. "Well, I've got news for you, Einstein and Newton never knew what gravity was, but I do."     
      "Einstein? You are behind the times, Avery. It wasn't Einstein or Newton, it was someone totally different."      
       "Someone else? Avery says with great surprise. "Who was that?"       
       "It was a guy named Frederique. And he figured it all out, better than those other guys did."       
       "Frederique? Who the hell is that? I never heard of him!"          
       "Not only that, but this guy, the guy who came up with the theory, is generally known as the smartest man on earth, smarter than Einstein, since it became known that Einstein really didn't know gravity, when everyone thought he did."         
       "So who is he?" Avery asks impatiently.         
       "Okay," Cash says. "I'll look him up for you." So Cash goes and gets a computer pad, and looks it up. And then he says: "Okay, here it is, what do you want to know?"          
       "Well, let's start with his full name, and when did he have a theory of gravity?"        
       "Okay." Cash says. Then he says; "Oh. Oh! I'm sorry, Avery, I've misspoken, it's not a man, it's a woman. But I thought it was a man."       
       "A woman! Are you kidding? A woman came up with a theory of gravity, that the whole world accepted?" Avery says incredulously.         
       Then Mike speaks up now with her 'feathers a bit ruffled' and says; "Why is that so difficult to accept Avery? I'm beginning to agree with Cash, that you are behind the times."       
       "So what's her full name?" Avery asks in an irritated manner.        
       Cash takes another look, and says; "It's a, Miss Starla Anna Frederique."       
       "My Starla?! My Starla?!" Avery says in a shocked voice, with tears starting to come.         
       "Did you know her?" Both Cash and Mike asks with surprise in unison.        
       "What's the theory, tell me the theory." Avery asks anxiously.        
       "Okay." Cash says. "The theory is that there's no such thing as the pull of gravity, that what gravity is, is a combination of centrifugal forces."       
       "That's my theory!" Avery says almost shouting. "It must be my Starla!"         
       "You! Had your own theory of gravity?" Cash says with surprise. "And that was it?"        
       "Yeah, and I guess Starla published it in her name."          
       "So if you knew this Starla, then why didn't you know her name at first?"         
       And Mike adds; "And why did we all think that it was a man? If it was a woman, I would have remembered that."         
       Cash is looking more closely, while Avery replies; "I never knew Starla's maiden name. Damn, I never asked her. I didn't ask her much about herself."         
       Then Cash says; "Hold on, it says here that this Starla got the theory from someone else, and that that someone else was a man."          
       "What's his name?" Avery asks anxiously.        
       "His name is Avery Monoray!" Cash says with surprise.       
       And Avery bursts out crying.        
       "The great Monoray!" Cash says. "I did not know that these two people were the same."      
       Avery says; "That's me! I'm Monoray." Avery barely manages to say in a choked manner. Avery is almost unable to speak as he says; "My Starla published my theory, but gave me the credit!" He says as he's crying.       
       "You're the Monoray? The Great Monoray, the one who finally solved the mysteries of gravity?" Cash says in amazement. "Oh Avery, I'm sorry the way I've treated you. I had no idea!"         
       "But the Monoray died hundreds of years ago." Mike says. How can you be him?        
       Avery replies; "I hope I'm not dead. Do I seem like I'm dead?"          
       Then Cash reading more, says; "It says here that Monoray went missing. Then after many years was pronounced dead. So this is why we all know him as dead."       
       "So when did Starla get around to publishing my theory?" Avery asks.        
       "It says here it was the year 2146. But says that the theory wasn't widely accepted until about 50 years later. After the dead pronouncement, Starla was then able to get it published."      
       "She published my theory!" Avery says with a few more tears, "But it took her a long time." Then after a bit, he says; "Somehow, she could not get me out of that damn thing. But never gave up on me! I presume she never married, since it seems that her maiden name did not change. I'm sorry you two, I think I'm going to be crying for awhile. At least I now have some idea of what happened to her."        

      Now on the planet: Cash, Synthea, Mike, and Sara, comes into a large room that has many lockers along the walls. At first, there's no one there, and they are waiting. Then an android comes out and in an apologetic manner says; "Oh sorry, I did not know you were here. They usually don't come in the mid term, sorry. So are you wanting to get in now? Or make a scheduling?"      
       Cash asks; "What planet is this?"       
       And the android replies; "Uncertain, clarify please."        
       Then Cash says; "We want to know the name of this planet. What's it's name?"       
       And the android replies; "Uncertain, clarify please."        
       And Synthea says; "I don't think we're going to get an answer. At least not to that question." And then asks the android; "Is there someone we can talk to?"     
       It replies; "Sorry, cannot decipher, please clarify."        
       Then Sara says; "I don't think we're going to get anywhere that way either."       
       So then Cash asks it; "What programs do you have?"      
       The android; "Uncertain. Do you mean make a scheduling, or get in now?"       
       Then Mike asks it; "What do we get if we get in now?"      
       The android; "Uncertain, are you wanting to start now, going to the end, or a three month temporary?"           Cash says; "Must we stay the three months?"       
       Android; "You may stay any time, maximum three months."       
       Cash; "What do we get with the 'three month temporary'?"       
       Android; "Cannot decipher, sorry."      
       "I don't think we're going to get anymore from this thing." Cash says. "So you all want to go in, or not?"         Synthea says; "If we don't, we don't learn anything."        
       Mike says; "Do you think it's safe enough?"       
       Then Sara says she wants to try something, then asks it; "Is the 'three month temporary' safe?"       
       Then it replies; "The program is safe, no harm."        
       Synthea says to the group; "So lets go in, shall we? We're only wasting time out here with this thing."    
       Then Mike asks; "But will we be able to learn anything in there, where ever that is?"       
       Cash says; "We won't know until we do."       
       So they agree to go in, and so Cash says to the thing; "Yes, we would like to go in."        
       The android; "You must put your space suits in the lockers, and the period clothing you must wear will come out for you. You are not allowed in with anything more modern than the year 1941, and you must wear the period clothing, and must not bring any of the aforementioned items. If not complying, door will not open. Enjoy your stay."       
       "I wonder if that means Avery would get in, is he old enough?" Cash jokes.
       U S S SIAHARA
                                              Another 'Star Track Crazy' episode; "Night passage"
       "Sometimes I poop a nice log, and I cry."         
       "You cry, why?"         
       "It's my potty, and I'll cry if I want to."        
       Starla laughs.       
       "But I thought you mostly hated women."      
       "No I don't! I hate what many of them do to their bodies, but I don't hate women. I'm a man, how could I hate women?"       
       "But you've never gotten a girlfriend, and the way you talk about them..."       
       "It's complicated. I've been wanting a girlfriend for most of my life, but sadly, never gotten one. Many times when I've gone out to get the mail, I have a certain disappointment, because instead of getting the mail, I was wishing I could get the female."       
       Avery going on: "One night I was watching the computer, and a woman was playing some really great music with a really neat violin, sort of triangular shape. And I was loving all the facial expressions she was doing. Her face was so beautiful, that I was crying. To me, there's nothing like the woman's face in the universe. And the woman's butt, is second only to her face. The two best parts of a woman's body, is her face first, butt second. And this is partly to do with the fact that these two parts are the most prominent parts of a woman's body that men see. But it is in no way the only reason. So that's what I think! How could I hate them!"   
       Starla says; "Okay, that's really personal."       
       "Yeah, it is. But women should know these things, it's not only me, it's mostly all men. But many men are obsessed with women's breasts, maybe more than anything else, and the larger the better. I never have been. Or they like no breasts at all, or very small ones, you know, and this is disgusting; so they can feel certain that they are taking her virginity. This is why some men like very small breasts. This is the way men are, and all women should know this. I find it strange that they don't. Little girls should know these things. But I guess it's difficult to tell them. There's an old saying; 'Men will have sex with anything that has a hole in it'. I know women see this as crazy. But it's the way men are."       
       "You seem like a really honest guy."       
       "Yeah, that's me. Honest and no nonsense."       
       "I can tell you a little more about me.       
       "Okay." Starla says.         
       I was watching a very old movie, it was one of those 'Planet of the Apes' movies, the one with the space station, and they were trying to teach the apes how to fly a spaceship. I could see a few things coming way sooner than most people did. And toward the end, as soon as I saw that last pod-like spaceship coming, I knew what they were doing, that it was going to be that first ape, and I laughed a bunch, and said to myself; 'Oh, that's great!' But at the end, I was very disappointed, because I would not have done it that way. If I was that guy, not knowing what was going to happen if I tried to get home again, that would have been too much of a risk to take, especially since it seemed that he could have had that beautiful young hot babe woman as his woman, and she's probably a virgin. How could a man go off and leave her? Only for the remote chance of getting home, without having a clue what had happened to him in the first place. I could not. It's not logical. He was crazy to do that."       
       Starla then says; "Being the way you are, how have you never gotten a woman?!"       
       "As I've said, it's complicated. It would take a long time talking about it. As you have probably noticed, I do a lot of thinking about things. And I totally love the woman's face, and the woman's butt. And as long as we're on the subject of women, there's one thing that I've never figured out."         
       Starla asks; "What's that?"
       "Well, as much as I have thought about women, there's one thing that is a mystery; as logical as I am, it's difficult for me to think of a beautiful woman as having an asshole. It's like with a boat, a boat is not going to have a hole in it's bottom. So how could a beautiful woman have a hole in her bottom?"       
      "Just don't put her in water" Starla jokes.       
       Avery laughs. Then goes on; "Also, there's something else I've never been able the figure out: I can reason, using my logical mind, that a woman's butt, is basically the same as a man's butt, but simply a different shape and dimensions. Because, they both come from the same body, meaning that one develops into a man, and the other develops into a woman. I know this. But the problem is, that I really don't know it, because I can't wrap my mind around it to think of both of them as the same thing. No, a woman's butt is different, it's special. So they are the same, but not the same. And in all my years, I've never been able to solve it. It seems like a hopeless thing to solve. But I know that the woman's butt is really something special."          
       "It sounds like you really have it bad. Starla says."        
       "Yeah, I know I do. But it's a mystery to me why other people don't know why they like butts.       
       "And I suppose you do?" Starla says.         
       "Yes, at least I've figured that out about butts. It's because they are different, the butts, I mean. This is why a man likes a woman's butt, and a woman likes a man's butt. Because these butts are different. A man, does not have a butt like a woman, and a woman does not have a butt like a man, at least this is the way it should be. And this also is why women tend to like a baby's butt, because again, it is different from hers. When it comes down to it, the woman's butt is the only one that is different. Because men, boys, girls, and babies, have basically all the same butt. So this is one more thing that makes the woman's butt special. But I can go beyond this: Let's say that we have a totally round sphere, and a cube with totally flat sides. And let's say, that these two are people. So what would happen, is that the cube, is going to be totally in love with the sphere, and the sphere, is going to be totally in love with the cube. And that's because they are totally different from each other. This is why women like men's butts, and in part, why men like women's butts."        
       "Wow, you've done a lot of thinking about this."      
       "Well, I've had lots of time to think, being alone for most of my life."        
       "I'm sorry you have been alone."         
       "It's not your fault. And you are here now. For many years, I've had to talk to myself. And I never get into arguments."        
       Starla laughs.              
 Janet is in love with her right arm, kissing it.   "I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you."        
"No, the right arm!"
       "French Vanilla"
There's a cow standing in the middle of the road. Several men are kneeling down along side the cow. They are eastern Indian types, and are wearing that religious garb that they wear, and a fancy white cloth has been laid over the cows back. The men are raising and lowering their arms toward the cow, and it is unclear as to if they are trying to get the cow off the road, or worshiping it. Then suddenly a car comes speeding around the corner, and then it comes skidding to a stop in front of the cow. It's the Batmobile. Both Batman and Robin poke their heads up to get a better look, and Robin says: "Holy cow, Batman!"
       "Whoa The Horses, Janet"
  song: 'Like a zombie, being dead for the very first time.
Like a zombie, '
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